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I want to write until my heart sings

I was reminded today amidst all of what is going on in the world that my heart desires to sing...STILL. My soul desires to speak...STILL. We are living in a time where we need something, someone bigger than ourselves more than ever.

It's treacherous out here!

Brother against brother, Sister against sister...

In a time when Christians, disciples of Christ, should see past ideological views to the way of Christ we are yet stuck in the muck and mire of verbal assaults, unfathomable killings, pastors calling people demons, disharmony, disunity and blatant disrespect among so much more. We live in a world of imperfection, but this is utterly ridiculous and disheartening!

Praying Time...

While we shake our heads in dismay, let's pray for guidance. Let's pray for solutions. Let's pray for obedience. Let's pray for unity. Let's pray for love. Let's pray that we use our voices, our gifts, our talents to display the attributes of Christ in purposeful ways... that stone hardened hearts would be softened... that repentance would be found among us... that our eyes would be opened to the real enemy and the spiritual war that is all around us.

Otherwise, the apocalypse is near...whether you believe in the Biblical one or the one from the movies...we are headed for a time of destruction where we all lose.

I pray for those of you that believe, and those that don''s praying time.

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Tonetta is a woman on a mission 

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